The Blasian March is a solidarity action between Black, African, Afro/Black Diaspora, Asian, Asian Disapora and Blasian communities. This is achieved through education on parallel struggles with colonial settler violence and mutual celebration of our lives.

Visit our website to learn more!

Blasian March Chicago, July 30 2022. Led by Kait Venturina and Eun Kyung Chee. Videography by Ray Rivera

This grassroots action first launched on Oct 11, 2020 in New York City. Since then, the Blasian March has expanded nationwide with leadership founding their own chapters in New Haven, Los Angeles, Chicago, Sacramento, with Orlando and San Francisco confirmed for the fall of 2024.

Blasian March has received awards from:

The National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) 2023 Filipino Community Forum Awards for “empowering Filipinos to fight back against anti-Asian hate” 

New York City’s Public Advocate for organizing in “love, fellowship, and support”

Black, Asian, and Blasian people marching together to celebrate Pride. Photo credit Sameasy Shoots.